Preferred Digital Music File Backup?

I am trying to decide how to best protect the files that took many hours to rip.
How do you backup your files? Cloud or Hardrive? If Cloud...which service do you use?
Thanks in advance.
A little off-subject, and totally optimistic, but I feel our tech overlords should offer lifetime streaming of any album on CD we have purchased.
We would send the CD to "them" and have permanent streaming rights.

"They" want to discontinue physical media forever and this would encourage people enter the streaming world. Once you are "on board" with streaming, any new purchases would be virtual. I have yet to stream as it seems to me like a gooey mess that I can't understand and have no reason to try. C'mon fat cats, give me a reason to switch.

GooglePlay music does exactly what you describe but unfortunately compressed for now.
Data backup on Cloud can get damaged many ways.  It can be deleted/overwritten by user's mistake or malicious attack on his or Cloud computer (or major Cloud hardware/software failure).  To me internet storage is only acceptable as a second backup, that should be outside of the home anyway (fire, theft etc.).  I keep music on HD drive and two HD backups (one outside of home) - total of 3 drives because it is possible that, while updating backup, something (like virus, controller failure, my mistake etc.) will damage both drives.
I update only one backup (stagger them) at the time and only after 5-10 new CDs added.  It is very safe, since unpowered, disconnected drives in storage tend not to fail.