The Music Room

Hi has anyone done business with The Music Room?  They seem legit, but their lack of a published address makes me a little nervous

I wish I had known that.  I also bought a CJ solid state amp, the MF2550 and within the first 2 days decided it wasn't a good fit.  I just assumed that you buy it you own it.  I sold mine here at a 500.00 loss.  Live and learn.  My most recent purchase at the beginning of this year was a Mac MC302 amp which I got a fantastic deal on after trading a smaller Mac amp to them  It looked brand new and sounds like it!
My recent dealing with TMR was not so favorable, especially after reading all the positive reviews.

Before I decided to keep my amp, I had thought about selling it to TMR. The amp is the latest recently released model, A stock, pristine and 9 months old. The offer they gave me for the amp was way too low. The worst part is that the individual I was dealing with justified the price he would pay me by saying TMR would then turn around and resell the amp for less than the years old previous, outdated models were going for on the used market.

I do get the feeling that I was dealing with a newly hired individual who was trying to impress his employer and noted another poster here had a not so good experience with him also.
If you want to get the most from your used gear, sell it yourself.  If you sell it to a dealer, they need to make a profit on it and are going to pay you a lot less.  How hard is that to understand?  It sounds like they were pretty transparent with you.  What is "less than favorable" about that experience?  
Thanks for saying the obvious big_greg, how hard is that to understand?  I'm a certified public accountant, somewhere along the line after many years of experience I have finally learned the very hard to understand fact that the a dealer needs to make a profit.  

At the price I wanted to get for it, they would have made a quick $500-$600 if they sold it for what the previous discontinued used models were going for, but likely more because it is the recently released more expensive updated model.  We are only talking about an amp which when new sells for $3,150 and is a no brainer to sell.  The only reason I thought about selling it to TMR is to not deal with hassle of dealing with buyers if selling it myself.  If you look at the posts above by sellers you will see others have the same thoughts as I do.
I'm a certified public accountant, somewhere along the line after many years of experience I have finally learned the very hard to understand fact that the a dealer needs to make a profit.  

The only reason I thought about selling it to TMR is to not deal with hassle of dealing with buyers if selling it myself. 
So you admittedly understand better than most people the costs of doing business and you wanted them to perform the service of selling the item for you, but somehow you're unhappy with your experience in spite of their complete transparency about how they do business?  OK