What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more

Than your music. I have my retort but let me hear yours. Not everybody understands us. Thanks. 
My non audiophile friends know I'm a musician and concert sound mixer/producer so the audio geek thing makes sense to them. However, none of them gives a damn about my gear issues unless I'm using said gear to entertain them somehow, and even then the "short attention span because they don't actually care" eventually kicks in. Social situations like dinner parties or the like really aren't conducive to "active listening" nor should they be...people wanna drink and chat, and my jumping up and saying "listen to this!" lasts about 10 seconds. An organized "listening salon" thing where friends just sit and listen doesn't ever happen and that's fine with me. I've done "house concerts" featuring myself and some talented singer/songwriter friends, and those are great and everybody pays attention to a degree that makes it more intense in some ways than a more public show...all good.
I can't get my friends out of my listening chair long enough for me to say anything. So I stay off to the side and tap my toes.
I say the equipment doesn't provide any sound to listen to unless I am playing music through it. 
Everyone who listens to mine are mostly amazed by the vintage of the gear. Albeit modified and tweaked. They can’t believe a record from the 60s on a turntable from the 60s with amps from the 60s playing through those weird 50s speakers can sound like nothing they have ever heard before. I get a kick out of that.
No friend has ever said that to me.  Even friends who aren’t interested in hi-fi seem to understand I’m in to music and good sound.  And certainly I don’t bother forcing it on anyone who doesn’t care.

Most of my friends are not audiophiles, though a majority are musicians and they LOVE listening to my system.  Every time one of them comes over they expect to be able to check out vinyl or whatever from “the sweet spot.”    It’s really nice to be able to share this stuff.  None of them buy hi end gear themselves but they certainly get why I do.