Mmmm Crow tastes good...

So I have been anti subwoofer. And now I’m getting the hype (and maybe the vapors too).

I’m off all this week and remembered a crusty old subwoofer stashed in the dankest corner of my closet. Since the Quicksilver preamp I got a couple of months ago had a 2nd set of outputs I decided to put it on play.

this is a Pinnacle sub, 10” and 200 watts. I think I paid $129 on amazon a few years ago for home the water. Ironically it’s a sealed box implementation.

after a couple of hours of messing with it I think I have it fairly well integrated. I’ll have to make sure it’s not killing my neighbors. It’s not an audiophile sub but it really does add to the enjoyment of my patchwork system.

I do notice that, as with my stand mounts, there less bass at my siting position vs standing in the same spot. So I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with that.

But yeah, assuming I’m not blowing out my neighbors I’ll sincerely consider 2 good subs.
If I was forced to live in an apartment I would be forced to buy some Raal Ribbons....
I know that living in an apartment means I’m white trash in relation to those who post here. But this is the reality of my life.

i was married and when our daughter was born it was discovered she had developmental disabilities. Hearing that my wife packed and left and decided she didn’t want to be a mom. Having a disabled child means hospitals, doctors and therapies for most of not the entirety of their life.

i have degrees but I also work 14-18 hours a day, 6 days a week between my 2 jobs and some side work. For reference, my daughter’s therapies cost $3k per month in addition to her schooling and medical care. Never mind rent, electric, car insurance, food and gas. I make too much for Section 8 housing. So I’m left to make it work however I can.

Under previous administrations I could write off the therapies and medical costs on my taxes which helped a bit but under the current administration that was terminated leaving me to pay for everything and applicable taxes as anyone would.

For reference, I made a combined $63k last year and we live in a dumpy apartment. So it’s not like I fly tall. I drive a sh*tty car which thankfully has been mostly reliable.

So apartment living is my reality. Big F’ing deal. I make it all work somehow. I’m fairly certain many here wouldn’t last 6 months in my world. So yeah, I try to put together a hifi that makes me happy. If I get 4 hours a week to sit and relax, I want to hear some records played back sounding nice. Even in an apartment.
gochurchgo,I think your day to day life would crush most. Hearing your story kind of makes hifi seem quite irrelevant. God bless you,and enjoy what ever you can. 
Many of us here don't have the means or good fortune to have a great space or expensive equipment.Like me.Try to ignore the ones that hit 'send' before they think.There are plenty of people that will offer helpful and thrifty suggestions.Even entry level equipment can be tweaked to sound pretty amazing.