Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
There is no "best" because it's subjective.  Everyone has different likes and I doubt there's anyone that has heard every single device that fits in your ballpark and if they have, they heard them with different speakers and other components than yours.

Having said that as a qualifier, I would give consideration to an ARC VSi60.  Another qualifier is that I've never heard one, but I do own the VSi55 and love it.  From what I've read, the VSi60 is an improvement.

You should audition whatever you are considering, so my suggestion is to give one a listen and see what you think.
Auditioning is impossible, no audio dealers anywhere near me, that's why I'm asking for suggestions.
audioconnection, do you have a website for that, the only thing I could find close is “, and they want a ridiculous price of $2995 for the Magnum II!