I am very interested by the power of sounds to heal....I begin to self experiment with sounds effect on myself about a year ago, modifying consciously my listening habits...This is the reason why the Op remark about tuning seems to me very important...It is not a too much known fact in the general population this tuning problem around the tuning fork...But it is a way more important problem that what seems to meet the eyes...
In a way unbeknownst to us, the frequencies we lives in affect us in some direction that we had choosen or not...Music is a question of moods and personal taste only up to a point...Metaphorically speaking, but science someday will meet poetry, it is frequencies, these we created and entertained and those others we do not, that pilot our souls ...
Thanks to the OP for proposing this important tuning problem...And he is right, all tweaks or room controls etc will not correct this basic social, cultural, fact affecting not only music but souls...