Then at these times I try some music, designed to heal, there are many that suit particular needs and spiritual moods... With success...
An example of some music I enjoy for my own therapeutic use... This will not suit everybody, it is just an example of some kind of music I dont listen to in normal times of my life, but I cannot listen to much to it when I need it :
This music for example calm my soul...
And remind yourself that there is a difference between relaxing music only and music with therapeutic effect first... The frontier is not clear cut for sure, but when you are in pain, you feel the difference in your bones...
For relaxation only I listen to natural sounds, wind chimes, or very simple piano melody...
Most of the days I am strong and in health, it seems so to me and others tough :) and I listen to Shostakovitch piano preludes, Scriabin or some Sun Ra free jazz marvels or Bach or Persian or Indian favorites.... All music i cannot even touch when i am in pain....But these happy days are more numerous because I am lucky in life thanks God...
My best to all
I cannot resist to say these words that had no relation to my post :)
God exist thanks to the music of Bach that prove it; and man can be a god also, a lesser one for sure, but a god tough, thanks to the Scriabin music that proves the fact...( choose a Sofronitsky interpretation for the Scriabin proof)