A few things for your consideration.
1. A low mass system would have even lower mass if it were mechanically isolated. If you put amps that are sitting on an iso stand on a scale you’ll see they weight considerably less than when they aren’t on a stand. Isolation stands are, in effect, anti-gravity systems! 🤗
2. When you go to a low mass system you eliminate some things that produce noise and distortion, e.g., big honking transformers and big honking capacitors.
3. Beyond low mass systems. 😛 By hopping off the AC grid and going to battery power you can eliminate more things that produce noise and distortion - power cords, AC power itself, ground issues. Then, going to ULTRA LOW MASS + LOW POWER systems, I.e., portable CD player/headphone system, you can reduce mass a lot more AND eliminate even more things that produce distortion and noise - Interconnects, speaker cables, digital cable, big power supplies. You can even eliminate room tuning. Oops! Did I just say that?
No matter how much you have in the end 🔚 you would have had even more if you had started out with more. 🔝
1. A low mass system would have even lower mass if it were mechanically isolated. If you put amps that are sitting on an iso stand on a scale you’ll see they weight considerably less than when they aren’t on a stand. Isolation stands are, in effect, anti-gravity systems! 🤗
2. When you go to a low mass system you eliminate some things that produce noise and distortion, e.g., big honking transformers and big honking capacitors.
3. Beyond low mass systems. 😛 By hopping off the AC grid and going to battery power you can eliminate more things that produce noise and distortion - power cords, AC power itself, ground issues. Then, going to ULTRA LOW MASS + LOW POWER systems, I.e., portable CD player/headphone system, you can reduce mass a lot more AND eliminate even more things that produce distortion and noise - Interconnects, speaker cables, digital cable, big power supplies. You can even eliminate room tuning. Oops! Did I just say that?
No matter how much you have in the end 🔚 you would have had even more if you had started out with more. 🔝