"Sorry, but you missed my point entirely. The electromagnetic wave - the Schumann wave - is photons. All electromagnetic waves are photons. Like say, X-rays, radio waves, Gamma rays. That’s why all electromagnetic waves travel at c in a vacuum. Everybody and his brother has seen the blue Cherenkov radiation."
Geoffkait.. often I agree with your posts. But this one is simply NOT TRUE. All electromagnetic waves are not photos. All photons are electromagnetic waves... but all electromagnetic waves are not photos.
In the realm of audio systems these waves are electrons propagating through the circuits until the transducer (speaker) converts those electrons into sound waves. Even the digital signals are still electromagnetic waves. Just shaped and pulsed to make a digital signal.
Now I am not going to write a phd thesis here. But to be clear; I absolutely know what I am talking about. degree in physics. degree in math. degree in chemistry. more to the point; I spent the last 30 years helping build the worldwide communications networks.
EVERY bit, ever communications over copper or wireless or fiber... every communications in the entire world uses technology that I helped invent. A company I founded created optical devices that today carry (not kidding here) more than 60% of ALL GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS traffic of all kinds.
I helped develop the worlds fastest modulators. Communications lasers. complex network systems.
I was one of the very first users of what later became the internet. Back when only 5 universities had links to DarpaNet.
I have been involved with every major communications advance in the last 30 years.
I sit on standards bodies.
All electromagnetic waves are not photons. There are waves propagated by electrons. RF waves that propagate in both space and atmospheres. X rays, gamma rays.. again, not photons.
Yes, all photons are expressions of electromagnetic waves. but all waves are not photons.
if you really want to get into discussions of how electronic waves propagate in circuits, you need to look into the work of Dr. Ivan Ndip at Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin. fascinating stuff. those waves don't confine themselves to the wires or circuit traces on a board or wiring harness. if you really want to drive noise low, it gets down into small details of how you do the vias in your PCB, how you lay out the traces in 3 dimensions and more.
Note: my last invention runs at over 400Ghz per lambda and aggregated over the DWDM spectrum, can carry over 20Tbits on a single fiber.
I was also deeply involved with the creation of both 4g and the upcoming 5g wireless standards.
And early in my career helped build the first cellular networks in the world.
I personally know and work with the CTO's of Verizon, ATT, Sprint, T-Mobile, DT, BT, China Mobile, NTT, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon... well you get the picture.
I am deeply embedded in the world of photons and manipulating them.
again, normally you are right on with your comments. But this one is not accurate.
"Sorry, but you missed my point entirely. The electromagnetic wave - the Schumann wave - is photons. All electromagnetic waves are photons. Like say, X-rays, radio waves, Gamma rays. That’s why all electromagnetic waves travel at c in a vacuum. Everybody and his brother has seen the blue Cherenkov radiation."
Geoffkait.. often I agree with your posts. But this one is simply NOT TRUE. All electromagnetic waves are not photos. All photons are electromagnetic waves... but all electromagnetic waves are not photos.
In the realm of audio systems these waves are electrons propagating through the circuits until the transducer (speaker) converts those electrons into sound waves. Even the digital signals are still electromagnetic waves. Just shaped and pulsed to make a digital signal.
Now I am not going to write a phd thesis here. But to be clear; I absolutely know what I am talking about. degree in physics. degree in math. degree in chemistry. more to the point; I spent the last 30 years helping build the worldwide communications networks.
EVERY bit, ever communications over copper or wireless or fiber... every communications in the entire world uses technology that I helped invent. A company I founded created optical devices that today carry (not kidding here) more than 60% of ALL GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS traffic of all kinds.
I helped develop the worlds fastest modulators. Communications lasers. complex network systems.
I was one of the very first users of what later became the internet. Back when only 5 universities had links to DarpaNet.
I have been involved with every major communications advance in the last 30 years.
I sit on standards bodies.
All electromagnetic waves are not photons. There are waves propagated by electrons. RF waves that propagate in both space and atmospheres. X rays, gamma rays.. again, not photons.
Yes, all photons are expressions of electromagnetic waves. but all waves are not photons.
if you really want to get into discussions of how electronic waves propagate in circuits, you need to look into the work of Dr. Ivan Ndip at Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin. fascinating stuff. those waves don't confine themselves to the wires or circuit traces on a board or wiring harness. if you really want to drive noise low, it gets down into small details of how you do the vias in your PCB, how you lay out the traces in 3 dimensions and more.
Note: my last invention runs at over 400Ghz per lambda and aggregated over the DWDM spectrum, can carry over 20Tbits on a single fiber.
I was also deeply involved with the creation of both 4g and the upcoming 5g wireless standards.
And early in my career helped build the first cellular networks in the world.
I personally know and work with the CTO's of Verizon, ATT, Sprint, T-Mobile, DT, BT, China Mobile, NTT, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon... well you get the picture.
I am deeply embedded in the world of photons and manipulating them.
again, normally you are right on with your comments. But this one is not accurate.