Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

As to soundstages collapsing due to cables not being treated as if they were unicorns: I have friends and acquaintances who are audio reviewers. I regularly hear whatever gear they have in, from expensive amps, to all sorts of speakers, all of them hooked up to super high end cabling.

Every time I come home from listening at their place I play the same tracks on my own system and...somehow....with my 35 foot long generic cables running under floors and over a rug....I experience glorious soundstaging and imaging (and clarity) of at least the equal if not more to what I’ve heard there. I guess I’m just lucky. (It’s ok, I’ll do this for you: "that’s because you have ears of cloth, not carefully trained golden ears like the rest of us")

Speaker set up/room acoustics/listener position will in all likelihood influence imaging/soundstaging far more than raising the average cable off the floor.

audiozenology, this is a good example of why you should never trust anyone’s hearing. I have also seen instances in which these "AB" comparisons were rigged by someone switching EQ curves or phasing.

If you can not think of a reasonable reason why something should work it usually does not. Cable elevators are a good example of this. There is no reason and they don’t work, not even a little except in the minds of the easily influenced.

>>>I nominate that post for the most hilarious post of the week. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!!
@mijostyn, for the answer to your question, reread my post, this time with your tongue firmly planted against your cheek. Which, by the way, also leads to better sound: the tongue’s pressure against the cheek damps the resonances of that skin (the cheek skin’s connected to the.....ear bone; the ear bone’s connected to the....brain stem;.....etc.), and the position of the tongue within the mouth effects the cavity resonance found there. Purse your lips as they are when speaking A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y, to hear the change in vowel colorations.