Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

I love the sound of my CJ tube amplification ... Never done a "blind test" ... I swoon over the sound of my "crazy expensive" (to the average joe), cartridge etc. No talk of blind testing, all subjective.

That’s quite a surprise, given what I thought was your faith in blind testing.

Only if you ignore the parts of what I write that won’t fit in to a strawman "Objectivist" caricature. (Note the other tweaks I mentioned as well).

Prof, here you state that you have engaged in blind testing.

Yes. I’ve only said so many times. But I haven’t blind tested my CJ amps.

If you please: What’s your point?

I have blind tested some items, not others. And I have continually argued blind testing isn’t necessary for enjoying a high end audio system. But human perceptual bias IS relevant to audio and controlling for bias *can be* helpful if you really want to get more careful about certain conclusions in the audio realm.

But no one needs to do it, to ENJOY this hobby. I just did a wine tasting menu at a restaurant. Could some of my perceptions have been influenced by the descriptions of the sommelier? Of course. It would be naive not to admit that. Did I care? No! I wasn’t looking to make a scientifically rigorous case for the nature of the wines. Merely going along with the subjective-flow was what I was after. The same rational can be taken for audio.

In this case, I’ve never done a blind test of my CJ amps (or turntable, or current DAC). I’m fine with that. But I won’t make any dubious technical claims for their superiority or for my own subjective enjoyment as the Arbiter Of The Truth Of The Matter.

I haven’t blind tested my CJ amps.
If you please: What’s your point?
I have blind tested some items, not others ...
Thanks for clarifying. I really wasn't trying to make any point at all, I truly didn't understand what seemed to be conflicting statements.
" @mahlman: Are you talking about acrylic tube cable risers ? or what ? "
  Use the tubes as conduit. Any electrically neutral support will work like nice designer hardwood supports for instance will look good and work well in this situation.

@nonoise   How do you troll a fictional topic? Why with fiction of course.
My conclusion is prof exists in another dimension that comprises of all that is the total of the cybersphere.  His postings encompass all postings.  One poster is only one part of his existence (or dimension).