Headphones for Modwright

Happy holidays everyone! I'm looking to get a new pair of headphones for my Modwright SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition tube preamp. I have a very limited (1) good, quality audio stores near me so listening to several headphones is quite limited. I have a Marantz PM8006 CDP/Streamer. My budget is between $500-900. I've never listened to Grados but they seem to be of decent quality from what I've read. I've listed to Focals and was quite impressed but they were the super expensive one ($4000). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
If your Modwright will drive a pair of 90db cans , consider the Hifiman HE560s. You can buy these new for less than $500.00 and there is a used set for sale on Agon now for $250.00 with the upgraded yoke assembly. The Audeze LCD2s are hard to beat and more efficient as well as the Hifiman XV2s which are stunning and if shopped can be had within your budget. Enjoy the music
Some things to take into consideration...

Will you be listening alone or with others?  
How far will you be from your preamp?
What characteristics are most desirable to you - clarity, lack of fatigue, bass, midrange, treble, soundstage, etc.?
How important is comfort?  Some people tolerate heavy headphones better than others.

Those lead to considerations like closed or open back headphones, whether they have a removable cable(s) or not, and may help narrow down your choices based on the sound signature you prefer.  They all sound different.

If you like the Focal sound (you probably listened to the Utopia), consider the Massdrop Elex.  They don't have the bass of the Utopia, but to my ears, they sound more balanced and are $700.  I have more expensive headphones that do certain things better, but the Elex are one of my favorite all around performers.  They should be easy enough to drive, I have the Modwright LS100 and the headphone amp specs are the same as the SWL 9.0 I think.  At about 10 o'clock on the volume dial, that's plenty of volume for me.  They have a common type of headphone cable, so it's easy to find aftermarket cables for them.

@big_greg Thanks for the good questions. So I'm going to be mostly alone with my system. However, I have a small DAC that I use with my MacBook and so I'll be listening to that as well. At most, I'll be about 6-7 ft away when listening in my stereo room. Comfort is important and I like the leather cuffs rather than foam. Open ended would be nice. I have a pair of Dynaudio Special 40s now so I love their sound---tight bass, clear, good soundstage. Thanks for helping!