travelling speakers

Say you are going on a ski trip and staying in a condo with friends, and would like to bring a compact sound system a cut above bose wave and its like, but easy to travel with. The electronics can be a laptop driving light weight class D amp. But what speakers?
I'm with Kal. I'd bring my AudioEngine 2's (in their velvet bags) and an MP3 player. Or, if wireless was going to be available, I might unhook my Logitech Touch and bring it too.
Lokie is right on. I have yet to hear a travel system that sounds anywhere near as good as the Model 12, and is as compact and durable. I own the A2s, and although they are pretty good...they pale in comparison to the Model 12. They are boxed in my closet at this point. You just can't compete with a purpose-built 2.1 travel system, with components designed specifically to work together. Synergy.

To be exact...what I don't like about the A2s (in comparison) is the boomieness that they make when trying to produce bass...and the lack of bass below say 80hz. The Model 12 is an acoustically sealed system, so the bass is tight and deep. Very musical. I do use the AudioEngine Desktop Speaker stands for the Model 12 satellites.

The 50 Watt x 3 channel amp has 3 RCA inputs, and room inside to carry many cables, so I bring extra to run from the TV, laptop, iPod, etc. Each satellite has a built-in wall mount, with speaker cable storage on the back...with enough cable to have them 30 feet apart if needed. It comes with a plug to run off your cigarette lighter as well. Volume to subwoofer can be tailored, as well as overall bass and treble controls to tune output based on room acoustics. Really well thought out for travel. I see it as a long-term investment in portable music.

Obviously, I love this system. :-)