Small monitors for tv/music

Hi everybody

I'm looking for some small used monitors (300-500) for tv/music. They will sit above the tv in a recessed cabinet. I've been thinking about Rega R1s, Dynaudio Audience 42s, Triangles to start. Any opinions?

I know I won't get fulll range sound but descent bass would be nice. Any other ones to think about?


The psb B1's are nice. A lot cheaper. Tough to beat for the money. I am a dealer however.
Triangle Titus is a very good choice. Excellent all around for their size and hard to beat at low to moderate volume. I use them in a similar setup.
The Regas work very well inside of cabinets. The bass is very decent for speakers of this size.

Make sure to get a front ported speaker if there going in cabinets. The triangles would work, but a full bass is not what they do best.