Room Nucleus+ vs what for dCS

I’m considering a Roon Nucleus+ for streaming to dCS DACs. DCS says networked streaming is superior to USB on their DACs. As such, the easiest way to get content from local is a Roon Core. Is there any sonic advantage to something more expensive? The Nucleus will not be co-located with the audio rack - but will run on Ethernet and there will be no Wifi in the path. It seems like for networked listening, as long as the device can serve up the file quickly, there shouldn’t be a sonic advantage to other devices, but would certainly welcome information to the contrary. 
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For what it's worth the guy I bought my Rossini and clock from had used the DCS gear he sold me with a Nucleus + and had upgraded to a Nucleus like device, same idea but way more money.  He said it was a major improvement, I read reviews and it seems that they do say spending 20K on a core can yield some pretty incredible results.  I have never tried but if you have the money and are looking for the very best I think there is more than the Nucleus + as far as the best of the best goes. 
Mahler we have tested running an Innous Statement in a different room via Ethernet 


Innous Zenith in another room connected to a Dac via USB and the remote connection. The Statement sounded far better.

This test proved that a superior data stream beats a direct connection via USB

We then ran the same test Ethernet direct from the Innous Zenith to the Krell K300i and compared via Roon that data stream vs the remote Ethenrent stream from the Statement, again the Statement sounded better.

The take away is that a better data stream with less noise sounds better  and creates a must more analog sound out of a digital 

Dave and Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers 
Another point we would not recommend a Roon Nuclues we passed on the product after it came out due to it basically being an off the shelf Intel Nuc put into a a better case with a more advanced power supply in the case of the Roon +.

Compare this product to the Innous Zen at the same price as the Plus

Custom designed low noise motherboard
Ethernet Noise filter incomming
Ethernet Noise filter output to a streaming Dac
Low noise Intel industrial processor
EMI/RFI sheilding
Very advanced multi rail power supply designed by Dr. Sean Jacobs a noted designer specializing in digital design
Incoming power supply filter 
CD burner built in
Designed as a Roon Core 
Constant firmware upgrades at Innous continues to develop their platform

Even the Aurender product line does not offer these features, we have had them and they are excellent products with the exception of no upsampling or cross conversion through Roon, 

We feel that many people will really get a huge upgrade in terms of being able to upconvert Tidal or Qbouz from even 24 bit 192k native data stream to DSD or higher rates of PCM such as 384k and higher depending on driver and dac.

When you combine all of these factors the Innous product makes a very strong case as being the market leader at the price point

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers

@audiotroy you kept saying direct for Ethernet. I would love to understand how a Innous Statement located in a different part of my house, running as a Roon core, would sound better than a Roon Nucleus. It should be a purely digital signal and noise shouldn’t be an issue given they aren’t co-located and the Ethernet goes through a filter before arriving at the dCS. I’m not saying you’re wrong - I just want to understand how this is possible. 
Mayor we have tested exaclty that and even located in a differenrent room other ethernet the signal sounded better than the Innous Zenith feeding the Krell K300i via the Zeniths isolated and filtered output.

I know it sound impossible but the facts are that a better signal even being feed through the network gives you better sound.

The Statement does a better job of cleaing and packeting the data and sending it on its way over the network.

Digital is very sensitive to noise. 

We would recommend that you try the Innous product and you can try a direct USB and Ethernet connection to the DCS you may find the DCS sounds better being driven by USB.

Don't see the advantage of not keeping the server next to the DCS in the rack. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Innous dealers