Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?

Considering one of those 2 to drive Devore Super 9 in a 14X16 living room..
Any thoughts?
There’s no replacement for displacement they say. The MQ-300 has transformers that weigh a ton in comparison. It’s a wonderfully beefy 8wpc. I know from experience. I had no doubt it would work in his situation. 
I’m so happy he is experiencing that awesome amp. 
Enjoy it in great health!
I actually think they are 2 superb superbs amplifiers and I might keep both. The 300 though has a built I had never seen before though. It is really a statement product. 
Thank you for your update and confirming my suspicions that the MQ-300 is one of the best out there.

Yes, the build quality is quite out of this world. Pictures do not do it any justice.
Hi Essrand,
what is your system right now? I saw the posts about your amp quest but I do not know what you ended up choosing.
We distributed the Luxman brand for 10 years as a stocking distributor for N. America.  We have been using our personal MQ-88 to drive different models of our Graham Audio speakers that we import.  The mid-range is superb with beautiful vocals.  We have an ex demo MQ-300 we just listed for sale here.  Don't let the 8 watts spec put you off.  This beast is quiet, sweet with great separation, big soundstage, addictive vocals and has terrific bass.  Absolute music enjoyment unadulterated.