Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

You don’t need risers with well designed cables spend the money on music and don’t buy into the snake oil Cash cow tweak. Audio is getting as bad as the video game industry $$$$$$$$

>>>>Gosh, you mean they have cables now that are self-levitating? Hey, that’s cool, but I already suggested magnetic levitation pods for cables last week. Hel-loo!
I have no clue as to why folks think "raising wire off the floor" is a "cash cow tweak". There are numerous ways to do this and spend a pittance of money. Cups, CD cases, etc. Seems to me these individuals have little interest in experimenting with their systems to improve the overall sound. One must ask why they are commenting on something when they have no practical experience to back up their claim.
Yeah I have no interest in experimenting with tweaks I'd rather listen to and buy music. I wonder if I put magical risers under my drum kit would change the sound? Maybe a sack of magical rocks on the kit will make them sound better? Or maybe a better drum kit would do the trick.
Whoa! What? Hey, listen, junkhead, those magic rocks as you call them put me on the map. Why it was the map of East Timor no one knows.