Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying

For many years we have been touting the Lumin products as being one of the best sounding and best implimented paths to creating a fantastic sound in your system.

We sought to be a Lumin dealer after the A1 came out and pretty much got rave reviews as being the best sounding streamer out there, each successive product was better the new T2 is amazing at its price point and challenges $7k streamer/dacs/

The lastest review

sums up Lumins history and even offers a comparison of the X1 vs the Total Dac, and DCS and the Aqua Formula, we actually have tested the upgraded Formula V2 with the Statement and it does sound even bettter.
Summation the best sound the reviewer ever accheived was with the X1.

We sell some of the worlds best dacs, including T+A, Light Harmonic, Aqua Hif, Naim, Mytek, Bricasti, and with the X1 you have to spend $30-50k to better the X1, it is nice to see that other people are agreeing with exactly what we have been saying all along.

If you are looking for the best sound for the money, rock solid reliability, a fantastic feature set, Tidal, Qbouz, Spotify, Apple Airplay to play Youtube or Soundcloud, OTA upgrades, Roon endpoint, full Mqua, DSD and High data rate upsampling, upconversion and playability, solid build quality, built in volume control, the Lumin products are hard to beat.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers
I currently have a Antipodes DS GT music server that allows me to rip CDs to its harddrive. Would it makes sense to replace my Dave DAC with the Lumin X1,  because I would keep my music server?
Thanks for the advert Audio Doctor Guys! Next time I have $14-15,000 in coin lying around I’ll consider grabbing one!
Come on guys....consider Lumin X1 is a bargain of the century as one have to spend $30-50k to better the X1 😎

The reality is that an X1 is an aspirational product, it is among the best pieces of digital in the world and actually compares with many much more expensive front ends.

The price of gear is no different than any performance item is a $30k watch a good deal or a $24k Hermes coach bag?

The reality is many expensive high end audio products are extremely expensive to make and are sold in limited quantities hence the high sticker.

 The higher end T+A dacs are even better, the Lumin X1 is still a very noticable step up as the X1 sounds more like a much more expensive digital front end then it does compared to other units at a similar price and feature set or straight dacs.

Yes Ricridi you can use a Lumin X1 with an Antipodes the Lumin is a full Roon endpoint so it would appear as such being fed from your server.

The Lumin X1 is a different sound than the Chord, the Lumin tends to be a bit warmer and more melodic the Chord sharper and a bit faster sounding. It will come down to taste someone here had both units, we are not a Chord dealer although that may change as they are warming up to us again.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers

@mewsickbuff and @audiotroy 

Thanks mew for helping to get some perspective from @audiotroy.  I figured they are in a unique position to really weigh in on the performance of these units head-to-head as they are dealers for both.  I sensed the T+A may be a better value and was curious about the performance "distance" between the 2 products.  

Can't disagree with this:

The T + A DAC 8 DSD at $4000 vs the Lumin X1 at $14,000? And you say the DAC 8 DSD @ 512 is somewhat close to the X1? I'm not wealthy or even well off. I'd have to say I think I'm doing more than quite alright bang for buck. Should T + A ever upgrade to 1024, it's possible the DAC 8 could run neck and neck with the X1. (Just saying).