Schiit not that Good?

Schiit was at AXPONA again this year. They were showing a Salk music server streaming into a Gungnir Multibit (?) feeding a Freya and two Vidars. Speakers were the Salk Song 3As.


So what happened?

Esoteric was just next door. This allowed attendees to move immediately from one room to another. Esoteric was showing a full stack of thier latest separates plus a VPI Avenger for analog. Speakers were a pair of Cantons I didn’t get the model of.


The Schiit room, while not bad, was completely destroyed by the Esoteric room. Esoteric played one SACD that unfurled a massive soundstage that I could sense even not being in the best seat. The sound of the Esoteric system, both via SACD and vinyl was dynamic, resolving, extremely musical, collected, vibrant, both large and delicately structured. It was a system that got all the minor details right. Such a good setup. The Schiit setup, while unoffensive, clean, and musical in its own right, simply couldn’t face the Esoteric in inner detail, soundstage, reality and low-level dynamics.


Why did the Schiit system fail so hard vs the Esoteric? Part of the reason might have been the junk cabling used by Schiit. Peaking behind the system I was Blue Jeans speaker cables and mess of power bricks, basic cabling, etc. I don’t know how much of the Schiit’s performance was compromised by inferior cabling, but I’m curious how close it would have come to the Esoteric had Schiit paid some basic attention to that area.

In a way the newfound sensitivity of some members is getting to be a bit of a problem. I know wolf was thinking of purchasing either the Pass XA25 or the Schitt Aegir, the exact two amps I have been considering.

So if I ask him what he liked better about the SET, or what he did not like about the Aegir, would he be considered bad mouthing the Aegir?

That’s a crock of Schitt! (sorry, could not resist). Really though, for those of us considering the Aegir versus other amps it would be very helpful to hear his honest evaluation.
Sound quality is directly linked to:

25% room acoustic

25 % electrical clean house grid

10 % mechanical vibrations resonance issue

15% various noise cleaning methods for the gear
( not so much the choice of cables but first and foremost cleaning the connector and the connection also isolating the component from one another electrically speaking)

25 % only for the gear quality
(Because at the end good amplifier are good and good speakers good with not so much potential differences inside one level of audio quality scale...)

My evaluation is right, " inside" each one of the 3 level of price/ quality scales in audio ... For example exchanging a 1,000 amplifier for a 10,000 dollars one invalidate my percentage ratio... Same for the speakers... If you give me the right room and electrical grid I will make low cost speakers sound like costly one that are located in another not so good room...

I also learned painfully that the best  ratio price/ quality product are not necessarily the most hyped and known one ( except vintage one that are recognised legend with time passing)...Most of the times less known products are the best, not the totally unknown product for sure, but the underestimated one by most.......This is my experience paid with my money... :)

I had 2 Aegirs, the first was too sensitive and shut itself off with little prompting (at not so loud levels), and the one that replaced it would only shut off at more extreme levels so I assumed it was working as designed...still, although I don't listen at high volume much, I do sometimes crank the system a bit if I'm next to the listening area in my kitchen, and with Klipsch Heresy IIIs it really should be more difficult to trigger the shut down mode as they get loud with relatively little power. Still, it shut down with no real heat issues and before any audible clipping. Anyway, with high hopes for some Class A magic prompted by curiosity from the Stereophile review, I listened to a bunch of my faves on the Aegir. A very resolving amp with a sweet tone...but...with my Dennis Had amp nearby and some furrowed brow Aegir sessions wondering exactly what was lacking, or at least why there was some sense of artificiality or a hard to pinpoint lack of ultimate accuracy of timbre...I put the Had tube amp back in the system. Note that this amp, using various tube options over the last couple of years, delivers pinpoint accuracy and musical micro resolution, and a slam that surprises you from just 12 to 17 or so watts...clear as a bell. Anyway, although I consider the Aegir a very nice design that should satisfy many, it just couldn't beat my little single ended masterpiece from ol' Dennis, so back it went. My curiosity regarding the Pass XA25 has waned somewhat but I'd still like to try one someday, but no hurry. Bottom line: To my ears my Dennis Had Inspire Firebottle HO simply sounds like music should, has been a reliable little workhorse since day one and never lacks for anything in my particular rig.
Hi wolf and thanks for your description regarding your time with the Aegirs.  My speakers are a more difficult load to drive than yours and I was a bit worried that the XA25 would have a problem with them, but the Aegirs tempted me anyway.  I have the Schitt sys and for what it is I like it, and there may be a Freya + in the future for my second system.

I have gone a different direction than most, and have recently had a pair of Museatex Meitner mono amps modded (pretty much totally new amps inside) by John Wright who was associated with Meitner, and am happy with them. 

Thanks again,