Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?
I have the complete Stein Harmonizer (6 units), 8 blue diamonds and 6 blue suns in my system. I have never had such realism, focus or layered soundstage since putting these devices in the system. I listen for hours each day, hard to stop. Highly recommend.
I live the same experience described by many here but with my homemade low cost tweaks...I would speak the same words and metaphors about my sound room transformation; then without being the same products, it seems that a common point is the minerals, crystals and stones, used also in the Bybee products...

The new Bybee Clarifier IQSE's are working for me. Also have Passive Room Neutralizers and noticing that where they are placed changes things up quite a bit. I'm using the Stein Harmonizers and Acoustic Revive 888, 77, in conjunction with Bybees to great effect!