Any reason to go with anything other than Sanders Magtech for Martin Logan Summit X

Hi All,I know this has all been hashed out before, so please forgive the redundancy, but, in the interest of economy and focus, I'd appreciate anybody to comment on whether or not (and why or why not) I should consider any amp other than the Sanders Sound Systems Magtech for Martin Logan Summit X.
My listening room is about 15 X 25, and I listen to all varieties of music via digital and vinyl sources.

Thanks in advance.
Interesting!  I had believed they needed high current solid state amplification.  I appreciate your input.
MAGTECH is the way to go, 30 day test run from Roger, who is a dream to deal,with.

 Get the Magtech and done !

never look back, only upgrade is the Magtech Monos’.

 Don’t be fooled by imitations, there is only Rogers Sanders Magtech amp for the speakers ur looking for.

thank,yourself post purchase.
Magtech. 100 percent. The only amp designed to follow the crazy impedance swings and capacitive nature of an electrostatic panel. 
Magtech. 100 percent. The only amp designed to follow the crazy impedance swings and capacitive nature of an electrostatic panel.
Not so true with ML ESL's, do a search on SNA for Summits and the Magtech, it had problems blowing fuses when pushed with their loading, which is quite different and more tricky to the Sander ESL's, they even got a different Magtech from the supplier same thing happened.

Cheers George