Any success with an indoor FM antenna?

I am currently in a situation where an outdoor FM antenna is not possible.  Do you have any experience with what is a good indoor FM antenna?  Thanks
Sadly I've had plenty of bad experiences. The amplified antennas rarely helped. What does help is being able to set up an antenna as high as possible and turning it. Even the cheap free antennas that come with a tuner/receiver are pretty directional.
Indoor antennae are all pretty much the same in my suburban experience, you do need “something “, but costly ones were not much better than cheap ones. That’s for where I live and can’t be a general rule.
You may be surprised what a simple, inexpensive dipole can do. 
Performance is like real estate-location.

I get a strong 8/9 out of 10 signal strength with the Classical and Jazz stations on my Mac MR71. A proper rooftop, is the only way to hear what the FM can really sound like.