Diminishing Returns

I’ve reached a point, after much tweaking in my system thanks to Audiogon, I’m moving away from the forum. I’ve gotten to a place where I’m so satisfied with my system that further improvements, while I’m sure they will work, I don’t care.  I used to read  with great interest the weekly listing of the most popular posts.  I’m now finding it boring.  I think It’s time to get off the Merry-Go-Round.
Aside from the “Music” posts” that will be it.
Sometimes I feel that way I just don’t have the courage moving away from this great community and isolate myself locked in present with no future.
I learn something everyday here and I had met hundreds of people I would like to be in touch with...plus I love audio forums.

Enjoy your move anyway..
Wait two weeks. No matter what plateau an audiophile achieves he gets bored and wants to keep climbing. Yes, I know what you’re thinking - “But my system sounds fabulous!” 🤗
When you live in an audio desert such as I do, places like this are most welcome. Indeed there will always be the separation of the wheat from the chaff, so when that becomes a bit much, I go away for awhile. 
  Funny how I remember the love for music more when I had little to play it on, as opposed to after I started chasing the equipment. In spite of that, I actually Really enjoy the chase for better sound, or experimentation from one combination to another. Apparently, I am not alone.
I thought this was a forum for expressing your feelings freely.
I have no delusions of grandeur, and I find your characterization of me quite insulting.  If you feel threatened, that’s not my problem.
Please don’t presume to speak for other members.  If anyone feels the way you do, they’re perfectly capable  of expressing it themselves. That's what a free forum is all about.
I only express my opinions, as every other member does.
As for Rachmaninoff, I am entitled to my opinion, just as you are.
I don't think personal attacks are desirable on this forum.

You're in a an admirable spot.

I've been comfortable with my system for a few seasons. No urge to replace anything, other than a  phono cart, which I recently did-2nd Audio Technica ART9, for a great price.

All is well, in audio world. I am just on the perpetual hunt for "stampers" in the bins of my neighborhood record stores.

Rekkids, rekkids and more rekkids!

I do enjoy reading the AN threads(audio nervosa) about  contentious subjects. Fun reading.