Power Cord Suggestions REF 5se

Just got a recently purchased ARC REF5se back from the shop and really got to hear it for the first time. The output caps were replaced, due to a long story for another time. Anyway, it is fixed and working correctly. At the end of the first night I came to notice that the high end was a little....fatiguing after several hours. I suspect that some is due to the need of the caps to burn-in, could some perhaps be due to the factory pc?

I am currently thinking about a replacement pc and would like to get some suggestions from guys familiar with the 5se. I am running Pass 260.8 with it and had been using a LS27 before getting the 5se and the top end was not nearly as fatiguing.

As it is a 20a plug and I do not have any on hand to swap and try I am hoping someone has already gone through the task. As I am convinced that pc make a difference, I am looking for a couple of names that I should investigate and for a pc I think used is fine, as it will also limit the downside should it not mate well in my system.

I have spent hours looking and researching a half dozen so far, with literally hundreds more to go. I am hoping for a short list of cable manufacturers/models to keep an eye out for.

BTW-I would like to stay away for a discussion about the validity of cables, I am a believer so if you are not, that's fine. Let's take it from there.

Unfortunately, I do not believe the pc I got with the unit is OEM. First owner bought as demo unit. Guy at repair shop had a factory that looked a lot heavier than the cord I got with the unit. Sent email to seller and asked, but I expect his reply to be that is what he got with it, but I guess I will see when he replies.


Transparent Audio is a sonic match for your Ref5SE.  The MM2 series is still quite good for the money. Gen5 is the newest series and I have not heard those products.

Happy Listening!

What is the rest of your system ...source, interconnects, speakers, speaker cables?
Do you use a power conditioner, power strip, or plugged directly into wall?

I had several Audio Research tube preamplifiers throughout the years that I used to drive the Pass Labs X250.5. Even though an impedance ratio between those preamps and the X250.5 was not ideal, I never ever experienced brittle high frequencies. The power cords that worked and still work best in my system, to my ears, were Shunyata higher end cords. I used Taipan and Python cords, and the results were always superb. My recommendation would be to give the new caps at least 100hrs of playing time before making any changes. 
For cables, try borrowing few power cords from cable company, it’s worth a try to determine what works best. 

Yeah, that was pretty much what I was going to do before making any changes. I have a PSA P20 that is currently out of the system, so right now everything is plugged directly into outlets.

Rest of system is PSA DSD, PSA Memory Player, Nak CR7A and Magnum Dynalab 809 going to a set of Shahinian Hawks. As far as ic's, most are straightwire virtuoso (pre to amp) and cardas clear (DAC to pre)

What's your budget? I have used the Sain Line Systems "Pure Audio Cables" line of power cables on the Ref 5SE and it is outstanding. They are a steal used if you can find one but they don't come up for sale very often. I believe they are around $1500 new but don't quote me on that. I have also used the Nordost Valhalla V1 PC on the Ref 5SE and that is probably my favorite. Either of those two are outstanding though.

Also, I would recommend VooDoo cable 15A to 20A adapters if you don't want to buy a 20A terminated cable. They are excellent and I can't hear any loss of sound quality.