clarity audio or audio sensibility and one of the lower priced Teo Audio interconnects.
As for the speaker cables....If I did not have access to our own speaker cables (not gonna fit the budget, here), I would use Clarity cable (speaker cable) or Steve’s speaker cable products over at Audio Sensibility.
the GC series of Teo audio interconnects are a particular bargain, as people sell them as if they are a used cable, right? Well, when they sell used cables, they price them like any other used cable, except for one big problem.
The GC series of interconnects are direct sale only and they are stripped down, price wise, when they are originally sold. So, if people price them like they usually do..then they have ridiculously under-priced them.
If they try to sell them at lets say 50%-60% of the price they paid, then it’s a used item price that is about half of what it should be, compared to if they had purchased the IC at some much higher retail price instead of a direct price.
If they thought it through, well..then...they really should not be doing that. Not for a direct sale item with a lowered original pricing. Thus the used ones are generally a major bargain. If you can find them. They tend to sell fairly fast.
Similar to a pair of 1500 watt velodyne subs I bought from a guy. I paid $350 for both, as he had purchased them from a store shut down, where everything in the store was at about 80% off retail. Ne never bothered to look too closely or seek out the original retail. He just charged me about 50% of what he paid. They were actually about $2200 each. Both in the box, basically new. Oh well. This is what I mean, in that people do their usual thinking around percentage discounts, when they price used gear. And sometimes ....people severely under-price the items.