Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I made a budget system for a friend with small 2-ways like that. $1200 altogether including power cords, speaker cables, interconnect, and Cones for everything. Because even at budget level its all about the tweaks. Then it was set up on one wall in my listening room. Originally just to break it in before delivery it sounded so good it was all I wanted to listen to for the few weeks it was there. Even dragged a few people from work. Because few will spend $12k but many will spend $1.2k. Everyone was impressed, and yet I'm sure it was tweaked out nowhere near as extensively or well as yours. Also this was components selected almost all from reviews and recommendations, no personal auditions or comparisons. Even so its many years later and I still think about that and how wonderful it was.

So I have no doubt your system is wonderful. Way better than what I had, which was pretty darn good.

And about the cost to upgrade, which probably people find hard to believe, but it sounds just about right to me. That little budget system, it didn't just sit there. It was played with. Crazy things no one would ever do, like put $1200 interconnect in a $1200 system, I did stuff just like that with this system. 

At first it was just out of curiosity. People always saying how good your system has to be to hear a difference, what its worth spending or not worth spending, its not worth it with those speakers, yada yada all that kind of thing. Basically proved all that stuff is just flat out wrong. Everything matters. The performance you can wring out of even the cheapest gear is way more than people think. Only hardly anyone ever tries. You actually are doing it. 
The performance you can wring out of even the cheapest gear is way more than people think
You are right Millercarbon, and more than that, the performance of a one million dollars system will be under his potential without the right implementation tweaks...I listen to one on youtube… For sure I listen to this one through mine, not really to it... :)

But this was sufficient to know for sure what this system was lacking. It sounded like a fatiguing microscope, even through my system, not like a musical fluid instrument... Even through my cheap audio system I was able to detect this evident flaw, unbeknownst to the owner because he cannot imagine that after paying this amount of money for an audio system he missed the essential part and that part would be and must be the acoustical, vibrational, electro, embeddings with the necessary tweaks...( Most people trust only electronic components and measurements for warrenty of audio quality, almost nothing else and beside that anyway, most people dont trust their own ears ) It will cost under 500 dollars to transform this one million system in a pure musical instrument... But if we must saiy that to this proud one million dollars audio system owner's, I am not sure that he will listen to the freaks tweaks …. :)

I think that my delirious immodest rant is better than the tempest of the late hours ….At least it is an excuse for my rant indeed.... My best to you...

 Thanks to qualify my atrocious  and awful use of the English language by the word "literary" ….I apologize to all  the children of Shakespeare...
People are seeing China and India polluting more and more but Greta never wags her finger at them
Thanks for the straight talk miller. Don't worry though, virtue signaling warriors have a carbon tax to chase those dirty american jobs to other countries where they pollute far less. Think globally, shame constantly and you get bonus points if you blame the U.S. 
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