There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think

One topic of discussion I often see new audiophiles touch on is whether to get larger speakers for more bass.

I usually suggest they tune the room first, then re-evaluate. This is based on listening and measurement in several apartments I’ve lived in. Bigger speakers can be nothing but trouble if the room is not ready.

In particular, I often claim that the right room treatment can make smaller speakers behave much larger. So, to back up my claims I’d like to submit to you my recent blog post here:

Look at the bass response from those little drivers! :)

I admit for a lot of listeners these speakers won’t seem as punchy as you might like, but for an apartment dweller who does 50/50 music and theater they are ideal for me. If you’d like punchy, talk to Fritz who aligns his drivers with more oomf in the bass.

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Subs when properly implemented
increase midrange clarity, solidify and increase soundstage dimension and

Absolutely true.   The problem is always proper implementation.
+1 for Fritz speakers. Have had a pair of his Carbon 7 MK II speakers -(here is a link to the Carbon 7 MK 11 spec page-
I have Definitive Technology - SuperCube 2000 7-1/2" 650W Powered Subwoofer with crossover and phase control for anything under 35HZ....barely hear the sub except for very low sounds and sometimes don't event hear it at all. This is for more of near field listening in a 20X25 room with speakers and listening in an 8' triangle....Sound is amazing...just ask Fritz for a loaner for 30 days and hear for yourself !
My Dali Epicon 6 speakers have fabulous bass with this size driver.  I use Perfect Path Audio mats, cards and paste on my speakers and they seem to now play like 12 inch woofers. No kidding. Fun. 
I was actually astonished at the bass quality out of my Graham Chartwell LS3/5's. Now those are small speakers! Of course it helps that they are in a small room,but I was still amazed.