That which is a "Nothing" cannot return to another nothingness...Nothing is only that: nothing...
No information (and all there is, is information) can disappear and has ever disappeared; more than that the matrix containing all information with all parts linked already in a living play is there for any of us to see... The distribution of primes numbers is the music of memory... Can I gives you a glimpse of that in a superficial but astonishing way?
Here is the most complex object of the universe, it is not a brain, whose complexity is ridiculously small, not even the entire visible universe whose complexity compared to that is non existant :
This is a beginning fragment of an object whose complexity is infinite...And this is the more simple photo of the universal memory matrix at resting....
That which is a "Nothing" cannot return to another nothingness...Nothing is only that: nothing...
No information (and all there is, is information) can disappear and has ever disappeared; more than that the matrix containing all information with all parts linked already in a living play is there for any of us to see... The distribution of primes numbers is the music of memory... Can I gives you a glimpse of that in a superficial but astonishing way?
Here is the most complex object of the universe, it is not a brain, whose complexity is ridiculously small, not even the entire visible universe whose complexity compared to that is non existant :
This is a beginning fragment of an object whose complexity is infinite...And this is the more simple photo of the universal memory matrix at resting....