Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I feel the snow in my audio room....

I cannot stop this Bach organ...It is like stopping the most beautiful girl in the world and saying to her, ok I must change the view.... :)

The writing of Bach integrating all his melodic ideas in one fell swoop, and all these swoops in a bigger hologram, really makes other musicians,( and I love and admire all of them) like liliputians… Bach is the only one that makes you lives in the infinite. except perhaps Scriabin who swim in another infinite universe … :)

In truth the Bach’s infinite is an increasing accumulation, an extensive infinity, but the Scriabin’s infinite is in between 2 notes on each chord, intensive infinity... Anyway Scriabin is too much great genius to be understand at the first listening like Bach...

They are my 2 gods for clavier...

You know the story: the mother of Stravinsky said to him one day, Scriabin at least him had genius.... Oufff This is a hard mother indeed !

I dont remember where I read that....

But I must say that if Stravinsky makes perfect music scores, they are only that, perfect music scores of an ordinary genius like the monstrous Telemann … But  Scriabin wanted to create a music that will transform really all humanity, in a Christ-like or buddha like manner, and it is incredible but it works if you try it seriously indeed....No ordinary genius anymore … :)

But at the end if I dont want to be partial to my taste : all great music makes us ordinary mortal, true genius... 
Once we detected gravity waves several years ago the Big Bang passed from theory and abstract philosophy to fact. You cannot put the Genie back in the bottle. Ditto atomic physics, splitting the atom and the A-bomb.
Yes but what is the Big bang ? what is veiled behind this concept... The Penrose theory is only one theory that try to light this mystery... An interesting one for sure.... There is some others... My point is that the classical concept of big bang is a temporary step toward a new theory that is no more constrainted by the straight jacket of a linear concept of time....

And to describe these 2 new dimensions of time that are not the past nor the future, but the dimension of action and the dimension of information, we need some new tools, instead of ordinary differentials equation, functional differential equations are the way to go according to an Indian mathematician...S.K. Rahu

I think that precisely this is right on the spot indeed.... For the right mathematical tools others will decide, but the 2 main dimension of time are not past or future at all, but action and information non linear flows...This is my intuition anyway... And this is linked to my own interpretation of a totally new mathematical theory of the cellular universal memory who was published in 2012 by a Japanese mathematician...Shinichi Mochizuki, but he named his theory Inter-universal geometry...
to what did the universe expand from? I never studied astrophysics so I’m always fascinated by the subject so I’m being sincere here. What do astrophysicists teach in regards to before the bang.

I recommend you read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. If you're in Redmond I'll lend you mine. Its actually pretty easy going until the end where he's explaining how matter can escape from a black hole.

The answer to your question, what they teach, is conditions prior to the Big Bang are undefined. This is because as we run the calculations back further and further the closer we get to time zero the greater the density of energy. 

Not matter. Energy. Einstein showed energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. E=mc2. Go back far enough, it was pure energy. Matter only formed some moment after time zero.

You can look up the details. I've long since forgotten. As you would know if the mods in their infinite wisdom hadn't decided to remove the post, this was all stuff I learned in grade school. Well a lot of it anyway. More than you would believe.

So anyway yeah, undefined. 

Briefest of instants later, pure energy. Then matter. Which at first was almost exactly equal parts matter and anti-matter. Which they annihilate each other. Eventually this runs its course and turns out there's a bit more matter than anti-matter and so that's why its all matter now.

Would be cool if GK would vouch for this. Being theoretical physicist he should know, or at least be able to follow and understand. I am of course leaving out a lot of details, including even details I know about, never mind all the other cool stuff.

So the whole thing, all the matter there is, is expanding. You might well ask, expanding into what? Once again, undefined. But it can't be nothing. Nothing is literally "no thing", ie empty space. But there is no space. All the space there is is right here right now. Then too.

The universe you see is what we call finite and unbounded. Its finite because we can see and measure its size. But its unbounded because you can never find the end, let alone cross over into somewhere else. Its kind of like the Earth. Its finite. But you can travel all over round and round, forever, never able to leave. You can leave of course, but only by going up, into another dimension. Literally. Got it?

Okay so gonna post this, come back with more- cuz there's lots more.

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