Speaker suggestion between $1000 and $2000 please........

I recently purchased a Nuprime IDA-8 (amp) due to the advice here and I am very pleased with it.  Thank You!
I am interested in a pair of speakers to go with it.
I am currently using Def Tech D-9's and although a nice, punchy speaker they are just too veiled for me.
They sound like they have a low pass filter on from 7k up (to me anyway).
I am not opposed to used and adding a sub later on if needed.
I primarily use Tidal as my listening source, as well as Audirvana and CD's.
I listen to Jazz, Blues and Hip Hop for the most part.
As a general reference I really like the sound of my Beyer DT 1990 headphones and my KRK v4 series II Studio Monitors.
My main listening room is about 12 x 20.
These will be for music only (no theatre).
I was thinking of monitors but am not opposed to towers.
Speakers I have checked out on the internet (not auditioned) are Proac (used), Monitor Audio Gold (Possibly used although they seem to be on sale now), KEF LS50, Revel Performa 3.
Any input appreciated......Thanks!

Consider Silverline Prelude Plus right at $2K new.  
Great clarity and superb imaging.  They are reasonably efficient and driven very well by a 20 wpc First Watt F7 amp.  A pair of smallish SVS SB1000 subs is a nice addition to the Preludes (easily integrated).

Call Walter at Underwood HiFi to see what sort of delivered pricing might be available.  
Underwood HiFi is always running speaker sales. I have the Emerald Physics open baffle KCIIs which are amazing and at your upper $$$$ limit
There’s a set of ProAc Studio 200’s here for $1,199. I know this speaker well and is easy to drive and sounds wonderful with either tubes or solid state. Be surprised you’d find yourself needing a sub. Just a wonderful sounding speaker that is seldom on the used market for a good reason. Beautiful midrange with great balance. The tweeter may not be as revealing as more modern units but it does nothing wrong or misses anything and one might prefer with most recordings. Great speaker for all genres of music especially jazz and female vocalist. Highly recommend for your budget and you will not have to mess with stands or need a sub.