Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
MC, you are so easily swayed. What’s it like to live in fantasy land?
He’s abolished regs so they can poison your water, pollute without consequence, did a HUGE socialist bailout of farmers that he screwed over (3x the auto bailouts), and allow pigs testicles, bladders and crap in ground pork.

He got no republican votes because cults don’t vote against their leader. The ONE dem who changed sides did so to keep his job which he saw as threatened if he stayed a dem. He doesn’t want to go out and get a real job.

As for tens of thousands, big deal. MILLIONS more voted against him. They follow him from state to state like a tent revival show. These are the same stiffs who found The Apprentice deep and Survivor and The Batchelor up there with Shakespeare. He’s stiffed cities to the tune of millions owed for security. He won by a confluence of odd luck, getting less than 1% in three states, which put him over. I’ve seen those "crowds" with the empty seats, the bored ditto heads on their phones, the emptiness outside the stadiums that he claims are full of people who wanted to get in.

You probably think wrestling is real too.

All the best,
That's  some record breaking  snow fall. More than 30 inches in 24hours. Drifts to 15 feet I don't  see how people live in those areas to much snow for me.
30 inches in 24 hours? 
Ya see folk, that's what happens when there's so much more evaporated water in the atmosphere. The largest river in the world runs over our heads, and it's getting bigger all the time.

Earth heats up, water evaporates, water comes down, in one form or another. Simple.

All the best,
He won by a confluence of odd luck,

Yes. With never having run for office he defeated the biggest and best republican field, Ever. With the most primary votes. Ever. Then with a tiny campaign staff, spending a fraction of the money, and with most of his own party against him, and the media, and Hollywood, he defeated the most experienced person ever to run for president.

That’s some confluence of odd luck.

Then again, it turned out the most experienced person ever to run for president had never heard of the electoral college, and thought it was California and New York, and CNN.

So maybe the confluence of odd luck was going up against a bunch of deluded know-nothings. Who’d a thunk?
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