Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Yes. Because all one need do to understand long term history is read the daily news. Or even better watch CNN.
I am with you on the Change pattern on earth climate ...It is plain to see like you said Geoffkait...

The link I provide is only one, between others, that scientifically indicate some link between changes here, and change in the solar system (the sun) and the galaxy...

It is easy to read, and someone can debate but science had discovered decades ago now that changes on earth are  frequently dramatic and more regular events than we think and that we assist to one...Unifying ourselves in consciousness is the only thing to do, arguing had no interest, thinking is better...Thinking without arguing with others but only with ourself is studying.... Communicate some facts, without arguing, is what we must do.... :)
The falsehood of "warmers and coolers being the puppets of political agendas" seems to have a long shelf life. If the political arena can be broken into 3 equal parts (1/3 left, 1/3 center, 1/3 right) then belief in man made global warming would constitute more than 2/3 of the population, leaving the remaining 1/3 off to the side, along with ostriches, unicorns and self made men.

All the best,
Nonoise you dont understand me, I dont negate climate changes, I negate the value of political agendas discussion, but the changes are very real....The causes are not only man made and probably not mainly man made, but men must reflect absolutely on his impact tough on this earth and humanity must unify in this consciousness...Even if the causes are cosmic and not mostly earth made, man contribute for the worst at this times, and battling against his own unconscious action on the planet is urgent planning...Climatalogy, geology, astrophysics etc they are many fields that converge in their studies to one fact:  The Earth is linked to the Sun and the Sun is linked to the Galaxy, like your heart is linked to your brain and feets...

Humanity has not always ignored that his destiny is linked to the stars....It is only a recent event in history....
@mahgidster, Oh, I do understand you as my contributions to this thread clearly show. To say that you believe in climate change and that the causes are not man made, is a political statement, since it's in the realm of politics that it is where the decisions to do something about it are decided.

Unifying consciousness has already been done. It's just that a minority of those in power, who stand to keep enriching themselves on an outmoded model of making money, still have the resources to entrench themselves in their endeavors, securing and ensuring their aristocratic life styles, at the expense of everyone else.

All the best,
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