Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
Climate changes indeed there is....

They are linked to the Sun and solar system, not only to the degradation of eco system by stupid economical exploitation at levels never seen in the history...

Actual situation of mankind is critical...

No times for lazy brain...

Left or right ideological agendas are a political distinction that stars, animals, and intelligent people dont lives with.( except historian and actually this week some American senators that cannot think for themselves it seems)...

We need new political imagination for new era...

That exist, but I dont want to be the sole provider of all links there is here.... :)

I dont know if the actual situation of mankind excuse my rant...I hope so.... My best to all...

 last links perhaps:
Earth's environment has been changing for approximately 4.5 billion years give or take 50 million and it will continue to change. The next little wiggle on it's axis and we will be back in another ice age. Humans will do what they always do, accommodate. Climate change has been weaponized for political reasons by people who have no f-n idea what they are talking about. The pity is that too many actually believe them.
Chicken Little. 
Now can we get back to snow and music?? 
The instable dynamics of the solar system makes impossible the linear climatical predictions on a long term...

Actual economical human activity ask for collective thinking and solutions, and you were right, left ideology or right political agendas plays with the brains of people...But the situation is serious, never mind the fear agendas or the ostriches agendas...It seems human are like chickens, they distinguish  only 2 possibilities...

I am ok to be back to snow and music, I ask for that many posts ago, but some dont want to, and I stupidly goes after them, I will gives you that... :)

Which part exactly? The part where he claims methane isn't  a big deal because there isn't a lot of it and what difference does it make because water vapor and carbon dioxide are in the same spectrum. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the most abundant greenhouse gases but methane is more powerful as he said about 28 times carbon dioxide. Methane doesn't stay in the  atmosphere as long so by reducing that we can get jump on climate change in the short run we were actually counting on reducing methane to meet the 2C increase but methane levels are rising thus the need to get a handle  on it. The part where he dismisses  methane because of some notion about it being in the same spectrum with the more abundant gases and being so much less then it doesn't really matter. The problem,  or with him more likely distortion, is what happens with methane in its oxidation process in the atmosphere it becomes yeah, carbon dioxide  and water vapor. The larger problem is when it does this in the stratosphere where water vapor creates a worse problem because it creates a feedback,  warming the climate faster. The other thing is with so much methane now in the atmosphere the ability for it to naturally oxidize with the other chemicals is believed to be getting harder making it stay longer. 
Yeah the climate has been  changing for 4.5 billion years, problem is humans couldn't have survived in about 95% of that time. If some naturally occurring force changes it so we can't survive again then nothing we can do.  The only thing we can do it try to reduce the impact humans are having on the climate that's  it, we can't  stop volcanoes erupting.  This planet is it we don't  have a plan B. 
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