Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
I use the term law metaphorically...I answer to your post about entropy and the fate of the universe...There is other "law" of information linked to physical process and to life process that indicate another direction for the ultimate fate of the sensible universe than death and "non sense"......

Bios is a method of data analysis that can reveal these" laws" metaphorically speaking that transcend death and random absurdity...Bios is the twin brother of chaos...

Bios is a certain window determined by the dynamics of some simple deterministic equation that indicate "novelty" a name given by the discoverer to some structural aspect of the data that reveal an harmonic distribution of the order and of chaos...

It is a method to analyse data and reveal some information that is not revealed by chaotic process ...

«The discovery of Bios (Kauffman and Sabelli, 1998), an aperiodic pattern with the features of creativity (diversification, novelty, complexity) and the 1/f spectrum of natural processes provides a model to study creative processes. Bios is chaotic as being aperiodic, causal, and highly sensitive to inputs (“sensitivity to initial conditions”) but typical chaotic processes do not show diversification, novelty, complexity and 1/f spectrum. As creativity is fundamental, bios cannot be reduced to chaos. »

I speak about that because we can analyse data in a way that may reveal an higher order of phenomena that trascend disosrder randomness and entropy ...It is not a law in the strict sense of the term, bios is a method to derive new information from any data...This information is linked to a new level of complexity not seen in pure chaotic process...
In some years I will be dead and I must know something before dying...I decide that I cannot wait after physics and astrophysics to understand the ultimate nature of reality... Some years ago some physicist speak about the death of the universe like if it was the ultimate fate of the body-spirit of man...That was untrue.... But physics is divided by competitive theories, and  no synthesis indicate the ultimate ground of reality, except indirectly trough the revolution of quantum mechanics... Physics is totally determined by the nature of the mathematical tools used and nothing more...The actual mathematical tools created in mathematics exceed by at least a century the tools used in contemporary physics...At least a century if not 2...Riemann created the geometry used by Einstein way before Einstein use it...Physics is constrained by some sensible aspect of reality in a way mathematics cannot be...Physics is linked to the structure history of only one universe, mathematics is cellular metabolism linking all universes...

My inspiration came young with some intuition and after in the course of my life by meditation on the structure of the universal informational field, a universal memory, revealed to me by great mathematical discoveries including the most recent one...

My study reveal to me the existence of an all immersive memory-information living field that is the only one reality...Mathematics reveal the structure of this multicellular entity and all mathematics is only that, the mind of god if you accept a metaphor of which the mind of man is only a small cellular part......
Looks like you are talking about the small self and larger Self. While that may be the case there is no more proof of us being part of some multicellular entity that the angry old man of the bible. If it gives you comfort in believing in such a thing that's  all well and good. My best to you. 

I am not much in believing... I am interested in the seeing...And geometry and numbers are very powerful telescope and microscope...The only problem is that we need years of study to see and I cannot give the perspective free of study and in a few words...

Even if I can show to you the structure of this cellular entity, I can, you will doubt your eyes, and you must do some meditation on the drawing indeed...

This is the most complex object of the universe because it is infinite and there is in it appearance of randomness and miraculous structure of order, and this is manifestation of "novelty" at a scale truly infinite :

I wanted to see with the mind eyes not believing...

My best to you...
I'm not sure mathematics has ever revealed some all immersive memory information field or multicellular entity that would encompass the entire universe perhaps you have a link to some of this or is it a personal hypothesis of your own? 
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