In some years I will be dead and I must know something before dying...I decide that I cannot wait after physics and astrophysics to understand the ultimate nature of reality... Some years ago some physicist speak about the death of the universe like if it was the ultimate fate of the body-spirit of man...That was untrue.... But physics is divided by competitive theories, and no synthesis indicate the ultimate ground of reality, except indirectly trough the revolution of quantum mechanics... Physics is totally determined by the nature of the mathematical tools used and nothing more...The actual mathematical tools created in mathematics exceed by at least a century the tools used in contemporary physics...At least a century if not 2...Riemann created the geometry used by Einstein way before Einstein use it...Physics is constrained by some sensible aspect of reality in a way mathematics cannot be...Physics is linked to the structure history of only one universe, mathematics is cellular metabolism linking all universes...
My inspiration came young with some intuition and after in the course of my life by meditation on the structure of the universal informational field, a universal memory, revealed to me by great mathematical discoveries including the most recent one...
My study reveal to me the existence of an all immersive memory-information living field that is the only one reality...Mathematics reveal the structure of this multicellular entity and all mathematics is only that, the mind of god if you accept a metaphor of which the mind of man is only a small cellular part......
My inspiration came young with some intuition and after in the course of my life by meditation on the structure of the universal informational field, a universal memory, revealed to me by great mathematical discoveries including the most recent one...
My study reveal to me the existence of an all immersive memory-information living field that is the only one reality...Mathematics reveal the structure of this multicellular entity and all mathematics is only that, the mind of god if you accept a metaphor of which the mind of man is only a small cellular part......