Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
This thread displays for all to see the profound, enduring, unmistakeable scientific ignorance that infects, permeates, and taints so much of modern culture and what is particularly noteable in this specific thread is that this lack of understanding of even basic, elementary, fundamental knowledge is possessed by those who believe they have such scientific skill!
That survey, mentioned above, left out what 4 out of 5 dentists preferred.
You win clearthink, one long run on sentence that says absolutely  nothing.  
This thread displays for all to see the profound, enduring, unmistakeable scientific ignorance that infects, permeates, and taints so much of modern culture and what is particularly noteable in this specific thread is that this lack of understanding of even basic, elementary, fundamental knowledge is possessed by those who believe they have such scientific skill!

I try to makes sense of your post clearthink...

If I simplify your prose:

Scientific ignorance that permeate this thread and all culture, is more profound in this thread by those who thinks to be scientific and are not scientific at all...

If we simplify to see the vicious circle in your clear thinking affirmation, or botched argument, or decree :

Scientific ignorance is everywhere especially where in this thread there is some so called "scientific affirmation"...

It is clearer in this way, but is this makes sense?

We can reduce that to his simplest form : scientific ignorance is everywhere particularly here...

An interesting question indeed : Is clarity of expression a sufficient fact to create meaningful sense? Certainly no, for example in pleonasm and common places....

The affirmation of this post reduced to his simplest expression is evidently a common place and a pleonasm combined ( night is dark everywhere especially here or to be more in the spirit of this thread, snow is white everywhere especially here)... What distinguish it at first glance, from a single common place, or from a single pleonasm, or from the combination of the two, are only the use of other rhetorical means...

These other rhetorical means for example are these interesting rhetorical fact about your post where there is a triple repetition, three times in 6 lines :

( "profound, enduring, unmistakeable ... that infects permeates, and taints...lack..of basic, elementary, fundamental…")

That is the mark of pure reactive emotional response or active propaganda, I leave the choice to you...I say so because nobody in particular, no affirmation in particular, is clearly the target of this incomplete syllogism which look like a flag in the wind...

I apologise for making fun of this post, but we are all here to learn and have fun...And I prefer rhetoric sometimes to the science of some...

I apologise to djones51 because my post add nothing to his short and pertinent remark....Except more fun at least for me... :)
”Big things have small beginnings.” - The robot David in Prometheus

...and we saw how that little experiment panned out....:(
...and the ’follow-up’ movie’s ending promised to make matters even more disturbing, putting it mildly...

Watch ’who’ and ’what’ a quote pertains any good sword, it has 2 edges.
When you’re skewering one opponent, another may be right behind you with an interest in your neck...;)

"His head was on the ground, looking up....didn’t even have the time to look surprised...."

While I’m here, sticking My neck out....*G*....

10,000-3,146=6,854 that didn’t respond at all.
That 31.5% vs. 68.5% seems to echo the voting habits of the residents of this country.
Which does seem to indicate Why we’re in the current morass...

So....IMHO, long held....
If you don’t vote, for whatever reason...
Don’t complain about ’whatever’....
You have nothing to add to the discussion short of warm air....
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