Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
" if there isn't enough CO2 there isn't any photosynthesis."
How much exactly is "enough"? While we are at that, how much is "too much"? Anyone?
"One of the pre-requisites for radiologic technologist is microbiology."

Not everywhere.

audiogon should hire a full-time fact-checker. I mean, it is fine to volunteer, but what gets thrown out here really needs a full-time dedication.
Would Trump's plan be something like Obama wanted?
Also, that proposal you mention is being done to give the impression that Trump is an environmentalist. The whole idea of planting more trees has been going on since his first year in office:

In fact, planting more trees has been a "duh" moment for ages.

Then, there's this:
Scroll down to IMPACT OVERVIEW and click on "how many trees...."
and you'll see just how many will be needed to offset policies enacted now by Trump and what it will add up to if all of his policies are allowed to continue.

All the best,
Trees are sentient living beings and conscious one.... Imagine our amazement when we all will awake to that fact? It is no more new age salad...

You can smile at me or with me …. :)

I dont know how Glupson will check this fact.... :)

Oups! it is not a fact, only a dream being true, but a dream for now for most....No need checking...
The average fir trees emits 500 gallons of O2 a day. Trees and the oceans are the lungs of the planet. They're all part of that delicate balance.

Destroy the trees and acidify the oceans and it's all a matter of time before adjustments made by nature come back around to knock us all on our collective asses.

All the best,
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