Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Do you know the name of the mentor and friend of Trump in the beginnings of his business?

That says all... Read that and between the lines you will understand...

This Roy Cohn was also the mentor of the Senator McCarthy, illustrious creative and manipulative grey mind behind the communists witch hunt that destroy careers and lifes...

There is an instructive amazing debate on tv between Roy Cohn and Gore Vidal... (youtube)

"Rats of the same color like sunbathing together" Groucho Marx

@mahgister, Ah yes....good 'ol Roy Cohn. 

Dirty as they come, screwed everyone, and eventually disbarred. 
To think he was Trump's go to guy for advice speaks volumes.

By the way, I loved Gore Vidal. He's the one who came up with,
The United States of Amnesia.

All the best,
Gore Vidal has that which lacks to Roy Cohn, a real working brain... A great writer also, and a great politician brain too intelligent to be trusted by some crowds...

" The honest brain only think, the crook’s brain walk " Groucho Marx
This is long, but watch it, really watch and listen, not arguing, not tuning out, but actually listening to what the guy has been saying all along. Tell me its not damn near prescient. Tell me this is not a great man. Just please get the order straight- watch first, THEN tell.
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