Grilles or No Grilles

I've always found that 'no grilles' leads to a more accurate listening experience. I've had many different speakers using many different grille cloth and components and always, no grilles works better for me. Often many of my friends find that a WAF means grilles on. What do you think?
I agree with Kal. It depends on the speaker, as well as listener preference.

Until recently, I never listened to my speakers with the grilles on. Then I tried it as an experiment. As expected, there was a slight diminishment of perceived resolution. But unexpectedly, there was also a slight improvement in imaging and tonal balance. So now it's grilles on (except for the tweeter grille, which remains off).

The moral of the story is that experimentation is the Order of the Day.

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I had paradigm 60v2's and now the v5's,to me they sound better with the grills off.
Some loudspeakers are designed for listening with grilles on some with grilles off. Ask your manufacturer.