Life is too short to buy someone else's favorite stereo gear

That's it. That's all I have to say.
Thx Erik
I do believe I get your intent despite the "tough crowds" worst intentions at deflection.

I am probably as guilty as any at reading others views and thoughts and sometimes being swayed by that vein of wisdom rather than sticking to my own thoughts.
Probably why I have ended up with two new to me streaming units and let the best one win!

There’s no real practical way to listen to everything you might want to for many people. If you go by one persons opinion, then you’re just buying into their likes. I look for as much info and reviews as I can on a product, and a picture will usually emerge to give you a decent idea of what to expect. 
I get it and could not agree more. I could say more but would undermine the purpose of Erik's post. 
No Guru, No Method, No Teacher

wander in the desert....

and of course , an imbedded musical quiz