Favorite instrument through your favorite speakersi

I prefer piano and guitar music in general but the clarinet just stands out through my Usher standmounts. Benny Goodman soars inside those small black boxes. Anyone else have a combo that sings?
(it appears I cannot edit the extraneous i in the title. o o well.)
My speakers of choice are a pair of Wilson Audio Sophias that seem to do everything well to my ears but when I play some vinyl with a reed instrument like a claranet it just soothes my soul. Enjoy the music
Had this a lot back in the day. Remember well one time taking a friend along to help him learn how to audition. See how nice the trombone sounds on this one? Much better than those other ones. Piano not so hot. Etc.

Being thorough of course I also pointed out its not really the speakers, its the whole system that's doing this.
Cerwin vega D-9’s double kick drum 

Energy rc-70s’ electric and acoustic guitar, vocals