Digital technology may have advanced as far as DAC chips go, but parts are still parts, and good parts and good design are still better than cheaper parts and a price point-compromised design. I'm sure many of the new sub $1000 players are great, but I bet a used CAl Audio, Muse, Theta, Goldmund, whatever...something that once cost $2500-$5000 going to sound better than a $500 player with a current DAC chip. It may not have the resolution capability of the new DAC chips, but it should sound more natural, more transparent, have more bass, and smoother highs than a cheap player...all of the benefits that you normally get from a more expensive design and parts. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I bet most of the old hi-end CDPs and DACs that are selling for 1/10th - 1/3rd of their original retail are still a pretty decent upgrade for most people, and a good deal overall. They're certainly worth investigating if there are some in your budget range...especially in the $300-$700 range.