New Breaker Box-Should I upgrade?

I currently have a box rated for 150amps. It has gotten filled with all my dedicated audio lines. Though not an issue currently, I am thinking of upgrading to a 200amp box. If I do, it means a significant expense in moving things to the larger box. My electrician thinks it is unnecessary. For me, I just want to have the ability to add new lines, when needed.
So, the questions are:
1. Should I bother, when everything still works?
2. Would a larger capacity box provide me with a better supply of current that would, in turn, improve my dedicated audio lines?
The electrician discouraging it is your answer. Good tradesmen do not like doing unnecessary work.
If your main circuit breaker has not tripped then there is no reason to upgrade. It all depends on what else the house has. I have central air, hot tub, electric stove , well pump, etc. So I need 200 amp service. If I did not have 200 amp service the main breaker would trip!

The standard for household power used to be 60 amps. But modern homes may need as many as 200 amps to run air conditioners, computer equipment, high-definition televisions, and high-tech home automation devices.
I agree with the above answers of no need to add a 200 amp box. To that I would add that should you find a need to add additional circuits go this route:
@yogiboy HD TV uses less power than old CRTs! LED lighting a lot less than incandescents. 
Agree with comment to replace many lines with one big one. I know because I found out the hard way that one big 8 gauge pipe sounded better than 3 x 14 or 2 x 12 gauge runs.