New Breaker Box-Should I upgrade?

I currently have a box rated for 150amps. It has gotten filled with all my dedicated audio lines. Though not an issue currently, I am thinking of upgrading to a 200amp box. If I do, it means a significant expense in moving things to the larger box. My electrician thinks it is unnecessary. For me, I just want to have the ability to add new lines, when needed.
So, the questions are:
1. Should I bother, when everything still works?
2. Would a larger capacity box provide me with a better supply of current that would, in turn, improve my dedicated audio lines?
I agree with the above answers of no need to add a 200 amp box. To that I would add that should you find a need to add additional circuits go this route:
@yogiboy HD TV uses less power than old CRTs! LED lighting a lot less than incandescents. 
Agree with comment to replace many lines with one big one. I know because I found out the hard way that one big 8 gauge pipe sounded better than 3 x 14 or 2 x 12 gauge runs.
To all.
I have a two separate stereo systems. As well as, separate lines for computers/network/washing machine and dryer, etc.
move your audio lines to a separate sub-panel, and put a filter on that!
Good advice. I did that in a former house (except no filter) and it worked great. Currently running three 20A lines a short distance from the main (200A) panel, which is plenty for my one main system.