i just want everyone to know..........

i had gone back and forth and heard the pro’s and con’s of a power conditioner. even talking to many manufacturers and  some one high up at shunyata that sells them, and he told me if you just get a dedicated outlet that’s all you really need.. and that is what I had. lighting hit my box the other day and since I leave my amp on 24/7 I was advised to get a good power strip. it made sense, so I purchased the furman pst 8 for $94, for immediate protection. right out of the box did it change my system characteristics, better detail, better dynamics, better sound stage/image, better everything. I immediately ordered another one for my wifes system. it has a coax for the cable, don’t see much difference there. its big, solid and seems well built, please look into this at this price point, just trying to inform the masses......
This is my experience. I live in a city, and it really made a positive difference when I got a PS Audio Power Director 3.5, my first power conditioner/surge protector. The most immediate effect was that I now had smoother highs as compared to the grainy treble I had before I got the power conditioner. And my system sounded more dynamic. Yes, I do believe that when one is living in an area with noisy/dirty power or when there is no exclusive outlet for the audio and/or video gear, one will benefit from a power conditioner. However, even if I did not need a power conditioner, I would still use a surge protector for peace of mind.
My Furman definitely made a difference. I really would rather not use a conditioner/protector, but we have serious storms in the summer. The Furman does a great job. I might have my outside box done as well this year to protect the entire house. 
I had wired at my box a Siemens 100 k volt surge protector 
that blocks even small spikes at your breaker box and has led monitoring if a indirect or lightening strike happened .i have owned 2 now in seperate homes well worth the effort $300 including installation bought on Amazon with a substantial warranty.
for wall units the black ice surge protector,conditioner Ask for Audiophile version 8 outlet around $300
and was a rated class B item against 2 units $1500, they work well
i used them on a 2 systems for several years before installing theSiemens at the breaker box.
after a spike took out my Vandersteen amp, I got a whole house surge protector and never a problem.   I found in my system all power conditioners change the sound of the system, but always had trolls I eventually couldn't live with.
I won a Panamax MR4300 a few ago. I wouldn't call it a conditioner but more of a surge protector. However, it also monitors voltage and will disconnect when voltage goes above or below its threshold and reconnect when voltage falls back in line.  I also use it as a master switch for the rest of my system. I've been thinking recently about upgrading to a conditioner. One small quibble I have is they're just so damn expensive! (and ugly).