With what you know now what components doe you wish you had bought years ago?

After all the biased advertising and sales pitches and after the smoke has cleared what components do you wish you had bought. My daddy would say with hindsight 20/20. With what I've read the G.A.S. Ampzilla comes to mind or a Hafler amp. Good solid word by mouth on the internet. The HK cassette deck CD491 is another I was actually able to acquire 8 years ago and was a solid performer until an electric fault came up. Ive read that shops that sold that and the Dragon compared the two side by side and the HK held its own or would I dare say sounded as good for half the price? I read one time it specd out better. Another one would be the Infinity Kappa 9 speaker. I had a ballsy enough amp to handle it.
 @mitch2 +1.
I regret not buying Dunlavy SC IVa speakers.
I regret not buying Hales model two signatures.

My biggest regret is not buying an Audio Research SP-9 preamp when I purchased and ARC Classic 60 tube amp. Got an insanely good deal on the amp (which was less than two years old). The seller threw in (without my asking) a pair of 9 foot ARC Litz speaker cable AND two sets of ARC ICs (whew!). He offered me the preamp (can't remember the price) but I declined. I used instead some Adcom preamp I already owned which was hailed as a "giant killer" (it wasn't). The seller is still active (this was 1992 or so) and I purchased another amp about 10 years later. Wish I had that SP-9!
You know I always wanted a Tandberg stack, but having bought an amp not too long ago, it just didn't hold up.