There are many different designs that have been successfully implemented, while all design types have less successful examples. I am somewhat skeptical of any categorical judgment, such as Magico's claim than ANY ported design is defective. Basically, they argue that people liking the fuller sound of ported speakers have been brainwashed by familiarity to liking something they shouldn't like.
My own speakers are, front ported, but, not in the conventional sense. The "ports" are long slits along both the left and right sides of the front baffle (Jensen-Onken design). I like the sound, but, I've heard very nice sound from all sorts of other designs.
My own speakers are, front ported, but, not in the conventional sense. The "ports" are long slits along both the left and right sides of the front baffle (Jensen-Onken design). I like the sound, but, I've heard very nice sound from all sorts of other designs.