Any difference in SQ from USB drive storage to NAS playback?

Not sure if there is any difference in theory but.....

Should there be any difference in SQ of files played back through a USB hard drive or flash drive plugged directly into back of my streamer.
Vs the same ripped files accessed by internet from a  NAS?

Interesting Jazzman.
That agrees with my hearing but if it's just 0 and 1,s ( lol) how do we hear a difference?
I researched this on my Mac mini and found that the file transfer speeds were significantly faster with the NAS versus the USB drive.
I believe the Aurender N100 only provides USB 2.0 data ports. This provides 480 Mbit/s versus the Gigabit Ethernet port.
You also need to take into account the usb controller chip(s) used by your streamer. On my mac mini there is only one controller chip so it splits time between bringing the data in from USB drive and sending it out to the USB dac. I believe this is why music sounds better from the NAS than USB drive on my system
A quality NAS running a fair distance via Ethernet sounds better than local UsB spinning disc storage.. I suspect this is caused by higher noise drive and limitations on USB protocol/ switcher power supply close to preamp... the best sound is USB 3.0 stick plugged right in front of NAIM DSD128 especially good.

the NAS and stick are very very close tho..
Now that's even more interesting Tomic.
Unfortunately the N100 is USB 2.0 only or a 4tb flash drive would be the answeri think.

At least I am getting some good explanation to bear out what my ears are telling me.