Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
Stick with digital or streaming and pretend it sounds better than  records.
Only if you want to invest a lot of time and money.  If you're happy with what you're listening to now, you can make it better for a lot less money than what getting into vinyl would cost. 
I also would add that I listen to digital through a 20 year old Linn Ikemi CD player. So 4 grand into a turntable or 4 grand into a DAC? Also wonder how that fire  that burned down a record plant in California will affect record production.  Ahhhhhh, but a record spinning on a big VPI table with a thick platter looks and sounds soooooo sexy!!! 
4G’s for whatever table, isn’t going to make the sound you’re after.Plan on spending at least half of that amount on a decent phonostage.
Nice table and so-so phonostage is a downer.

You can get by with a $ 500-1K MC cart=entry point to hear what the fuss is all about.

Just my opinion. With effort used gear, maybe a complete package for less.

If the ticks and pops bug you, stay with digital. The better your table and phono amp, the less you notice. Buy older used originals instead of new records. Cheaper and sound better.