sub-woofer/speaker wiring

i have a similar(sic) question to ubee67.

i have a Hafler DH200 amp, Bryston1B-MC preamp. I am running infinity 6Kappa speakers with infinity BU-1 subwoofers (pair). My current wiring is speaker out of the hafler to the sub then the speakers. The bu-1 i rolloff at 60 hz. 
Ok... here is the rub. The Bryston has two sets of outputs to feed one or two amplifiers (different rooms or...). But, between the Bryston and the Hafler, my signal path goes through aSoundcraftsman eq and an dbx 3 range expander. what I want to do is connect a cable from the 2nd amp output of the bryston to the subs. This will give me better gain control over both speakers. BUT i will lose some control over signal enhancement on the sub as i will remove the EQ/range expander from the signal path for low   frequencies.
Now i know there are those 'straight-wire with gain' folks who will pooh-pooh my system. Your comments have no weight with me for this discussion. But, i am interested in what others suggest on this conundrum.

jcipale, it looks like you are not using a high pass filter on your satellite speakers so you are missing 1/2 the benefit of biamping subwoofers. You need a proper cross over like a dbx drive rack. Cross over at 80 hz and you will add another 6 dB of headroom at least and you will clean up the sound coming from your satellites. 
@mijostyn - these are floor standing speakers. Frequency response is not the issue. Nor is clean sound. This is a Stereo system. Not a home theatre system. Please reread my post.